November 16, 2008

Stomach Flu

Last night I came down with the stomach flu. I don't know if I picked it up from subbing this week, but the toilet and I have become close lately. I can't keep any food down. My day has been running to throw up, mixed with watching a Monk marathon on t.v. Sigh. Didn't know if anyone really wanted to know that...but that is my life right now.


Anonymous said...

Jenn I sure hope you will be feeling better soon. Love Shauna

Anonymous said...

Hi My little West Family Im so sorry you are sick Jenny.and Iwish I were there to make you a hot bowl of chicken soup... Jessica you wrote the cutest letter to you mom. I know she will love it.... Love you all Grandma Matkin

P.S. Sure looking forward to seeing you all..

Jenn said...

Thanks mom for the soup offer, I'd probably throw it up...

Anonymous said...

Oh no! So sorry that you are sick! I hope it doesn't last long. How cute was that note from Jessie?!

Anonymous said...

Having the flu is N-E-V-E-R fun. Get well soon!
P.S. Cool letter Jess!