December 25, 2008

Christmas Morning

Christmas came bright and early, some were more chipper than others.

Here are our Christmas morning highlights...

1. Watching the kids eyes light up as they looked down the stairs and saw Santa had come.
2. Logan's face when he would open a present and see that it was in a box of crackers or something and each time thinking he got crackers...ha ha.
3. Jenn getting a pencil sharpener from Matt...seeing that she has used a knife up to now.
4. Watching Jessica's baby alive pee, that thing could go clear across the room.
5. Watching the kids when the found out they got a Wii. (seeing I said "heck no" up until then)
6. Watching Logan trying to reach the stuff in the big box and deciding to just climb right in.
7. Watching Jess and Hunter scream with excitment and Logan cry because they were too loud.
8. Secretly scrimping and saving to surprise Matt with new ski's. (for being a die hard skiier I thought 12 years was long enough)
9. Watching how excited the kids were about giving their gifts that they had picked out for each other.
10. Seeing Jessica love her picture from Santa of Rudolph more than all of her presents.

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