March 31, 2009


I am very good a following my weight watcher points when there is lots of healthy food in the house and no temptations...BUT....Matt keeps buying these 4 pack cadbury caramel eggs. He has bought 3 of these boxes in the last couple weeks and he has eaten do the math. Now in my defence the kids got one or two here or there...but the rest...all me. Anyway, I love these so much when I was pregnant Matt would buy me a case of them (well almost) and I would store them in the freezer when a special urge would hit. I am counting the points for them, 4 each, so if I eat 2 a day (8pts) and you only have 20 points a day, it doesn't make for a good weight loss plan. I have lost 9 pounds so far which I am very proud of, but these little suckers are making that rest of the pounds to lose that much harder!

1 comment:

Shauna said...

Jenn congratulations on your 9 lbs. I think my temptation is those cupcakes that you bought when we were there. Thank goodness I left my temptation in Wenatchee.