March 16, 2009

One...two...three...four...five...almost six!

Look how my baby boy has grown over the years...I can't believe it. The five pictures are at each of his birthday parties... In five more days he will be six years old. Wow the time has flown by. I wish I could slow time down just a little. I wish I had a blog back then when the kids were babies so I can glance back to look what life was like. I have enjoyed so much watching the kids grow.

Logan was on a birthday bumps and bruises curse for awhile.
Year one: a day before his birthday he was catapulted by Jessica out of the rocking chair and landed on the coffee table with his face. Had 6 stitches under his eye. (you can see in the picture)

Year Two: A day after his birthday he jumped off the couch and landed on a toy...with his face again. His head swelled up he had to be hospitalized for three days because the bump seaped into his eye and caused a secondary infection.

Year Three: The weekend before his birthday Logan was horsing around and bumped the back of his head (not his face this time) on the corner of the wall (where two walls join) there is a metal bar inside the wall so it sliced open his we headed to the doctor again for stitches. We ended up going hiking right afterward...

We have been accident free for years four and five and we hope to continue into year six...we are treading more carefully these last couple days...5 left to go!


Anonymous said...

I love you Logan. Can't wait to celebrate your birthday with you. Love Auntie Shauna

Anonymous said...

Love the picture history of our little guy.