February 12, 2009

Valentines Day Cards

We formed an assembly line of gluing hershey kisses onto Valentines and writing names. It was interesting to watch how each of the kids organized how they were going to do their Valentines. Some kids were very organized and very efficent. Others well not so much...we worked together and got them all done. I still remember doing my Valentines day cards with my mom. She even kept the cards I got from my friends. (so old fashioned now). They haven't changed too much, they now have holigrams and stickers or tattoos to include with them, and they are a lot smaller than ours were. The boys handed out Pokemon Valentines and Jess handed out puppies and kittens. (did you notice my festive Valentines tablecloth?)

1 comment:

Ames said...

Jenn! I just found your blog, and I am loving it! Love you.