February 20, 2009

Arbutus Club Canada

Look at our dive team.
They can do front flips, cannon balls, and they all are expert belly floppers.
Hunter, Emily and Logan

I grew up swimming at the Arbutus club. I have many wonderful memories playing on the large foam matts, walking in flippers, diving for rings and then at the hanging out forever in the warm showers. We have been bringing the kids here since they were babies. It seems the older they get the longer we stay. We were able to have the pools to ourselves. The pool is fun when the kids are babies, but they are WAY fun when they are kids...Matt and I had fun attacking their foam "ships" and making them fall overboard.

After a couple hours of swimming bliss Jessica and Emily walk hand and hand back to Grandma's...life is good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was so much fun. Can't wait to do it next time you come. Love Shauna