June 04, 2010

"Picture Taker"

I love taking pictures...

I don't know all the rules... or even some of them really.

I don't like learning them, I would rather be out taking the picture than
reading about taking the picture...well duh.

But I DO love looking through a camera and trying to capture a personality.

That is what I love.

I think you need to know what you are doing (thus following rules) to be called a photographer...me? I am just a picture taker.

Maybe someday I will graduate to "photographer"

but for now, I just LOVE it when what I am trying to capture... turns out.

It would probably happen even more if I followed the rules.


El said...

with great subject like these how can you go wrong?

Shauna said...

I love your pictures. I think your camera is great. It was fun reading your blog. Love Shauna