June 23, 2010

Death by Repetition

9:35 am
Place: In the kitchen unloading dishwasher.
Logan: "Can I have an ice cream?"
Me: "No honey, it is too early, and you just had breakfast."

Time: 10:35am
Place: At the computer trying to write an email.
Logan: "Can I have an ice cream?"
"No, we are having lunch soon."

Time: 12:45pm
Place: Watering plants outside.
Logan: "Can I have an ice cream? I've eaten lunch."
Me: "Yes, but that is your only one, okay...OKAY?"
Logan: "okay, pinky promise"...(already in the garage going to the freezer)

Time: 1:55pm
Place: In the living room talking on the phone.
Logan: (whispering) "mooom...can i have an ice cream pleeaassee?"
Me: "huh, what...hold on. What?!"
Logan: "Can I have an ice cream?"
Me: "No! Geesh Logan, I am on the phone. You can have something healthy."
Logan: "if I have something healthy...then can I have an ice cream?"
Me: "LOGAN!"

Time: 3:40pm
Place: Making a snack and getting kids ready for quiet time.
Logan: "Mom, can we have an ice cream for quiet time?"
Me: "Lo-gan!!! Really?"
Logan: "Soooo....no?"

Time: 3:55pm
Kids still having quiet time...
"Can we have an ice cream now?"

Place: Sitting at the dinner table finishing up dinner.
Logan: " So mom what is for dessert?"
Me: "Um, nothing.. we don't have dessert every night sweetie."
Logan: "Can we have ice cream?"

Some days it is multiplied by three...I just know you will find me pecked to death by repetition.


El said...

That was hilarious!

Ames said...

Oh, the life of a mom. Don't we love it!

Shauna said...

I love it!!! How could you say no to Logan's sweet eyes.

Grandma M said...

Good thing Grandma M wasn't there. They would have gotten ice cream all three times.