May 03, 2010

Amazing Race Primary Style

We had our first Saturday Primary Activity a couple weeks ago. I just LOVE the gals in the Primary Presidency with me. Rachel, Tara and Katie have made it so much fun it feels like when we get together for meetings it is more of a treat than a "meeting".

The activity we planned centered around the concept of the Amazing Race. Each of the kids received a ctr armor shield and a starting envelope for each class. Each envelope had a clue that guided them to one of the 4 main rooms. once they found their way to the rooms they had to complete the task in order to receive their "medallion" for their shield and their next clue. It was a least we thought so.

Rachel's Room- Modest Relay- in the gym they had to do a fast relay by quickly putting on all the clothes and accessories and go through the obstacle course. At the end they had to "fish" for a fishy that was properly dressed before they were finished. So cute....

Katie's Room- Healthy Kitchen- Katie had the Mr. Apple (as we are the Apple Capital of the they say) come talk to the primary kids about what is good for our bodies to eat and then they made fruit yogurt skewers....yum.

My Room!!- The Tree of Life- I taped an real iron rod all around the Primary room for the kids to walk through and try to follow just like Lehi's dream in the Book of Mormon. I thought it would be even more fun to have the darkness and mist so I rented a fog machine and turned off all the lights....hee hee... that was fun. Well...until the sunbeams (4 year olds) were coughing and acting like they were fighting for their lives as they walked through, maybe even a few tears...and I think some of them still have trust issues when they see me at church. But overall it was great fun. I had them try and accomplish tasks as they walked along the rod but told them they couldn't let go of the rod. (representing the gospel) and I tried to replicate the large and spacious buildings and then they made their way to the end where they made it to my big felt tree of life. (which representing making it to be able to live with our Heavenly Father) Honestly I think a lot of it went over their heads. I think some kids were walking away from mine a little confused and maybe even frightened...but hopefully when they do read it in the scriptures some day they will remember they once had a primary activity with a kooky Sister West and got to walk in fake smoke...I can only hope.

Melinda's- Scripture Stories- Melinda our awesome singing leader played a couple fun games with pictures from the scriptures in order to receive their next clue.

After we cleaned up from the activity Hunter disappeared with one of the big building boxes... I found him walking across the stree on his way home with odd site I might add.

1 comment:

Derrick and Rachel said...

I'm so glad you posted really was a fun activity. Now all we have to do is think of 3 more that can be just as fun:) Oh the joys, it never ends!!