May 05, 2010

Comfortable in His Skin....or Hair.

Logan's personality is just wonderful, I just love it. He is so much like his dad in so many ways. For example, although shy, he is so comfortable in his own skin and doesn't care much what people think as long as he thinks it is when it comes to his hair. He loves to disappear to the bathroom each morning and make it look as crazy as he can. The more "I have just been electricuted look" the better. And each morning I drop him off at school he jumps out of the car and proudly walked to the playground like no big deal, while I look on wondering how he doesn't care that he looks like his hair has it's own time zone.... Just love that kid.


Anonymous said...

Logan you look GREAT.... I just love your hair and you too. Love grandma M

Grandpa said...

They say don't judge a book by its cover or boy by his hair do. I like the daring do look and agree it contradicts his otherwise much more subdued personality.
Love Grandpa

El said...

Celebrities pay hundreds of dollars to get professionals to do their hair like that! He looks awesome!

Shauna said...

Wow Logan. Great hair style. Miss you, Shauna