May 09, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things...

13 of My Favorite Things About My Mom...

1. She has an amazing personality, cheerful, enthusiastic and happy to name a few.

2. She isn't afraid to try something new, in fact she dives right in feet first...swims out a mile...then wants to start a business in it.

3. She has wonderful style and her home has always been "in the movies" gorgeous, she was even offered such an opportunity, but turned it down due to trying to regulate shoe removal by the crew was just more than she bargained for...made perfect sence to her.

4. She is an amazing seamstress but completely modest about it too.

5. She isn't the best regular meal cook, in fact I teach her a thing or two...which is not saying a whole lot... but the fancy important ones, she rocks at.

6. She is hilarious and so much fun to be with ...she is completely cuckoo sometimes you walk away glad you were able to be apart of another "mom moment".

7. If you ask her for help or to do something for you, she will bend over backwards, sideways and do front flips until it is done.

8. She rarely complains.

9. She has a HUGE heart for those in need and always tries to make you feel incredibly special...even if she has to lie to you to make you feel kind of cheering up.

10. She puts her family before all else. (refer to number 7)

11. She has become so comfortable in her own skin, it is inspiring.

12. She is very beautiful, and looks amazing for almost 65...(I can only hope I carry that gene.)

13. She is an amazing Mother, Grandma, Mother-in law and we are so blessed to have her in our lives.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

Happy Mother's day mom. Ditto on what Jenn said. Jenn I think you rock as a mother too.