October 28, 2008

Shop Day

I stay away from the stores on most days. Too much temptation...and it goes against my frugal ways if I spend time hanging out in a store. But twice a month we do a big shop of all the household things we need. The kids LOVE these days as they can finally take their allowance and spend it. (so we try not to invite them, I like them to keep saving it) But once and awhile the little angels need to come to try on new shoes or whatever. They run and grab their savings bag. I gave each of them 3 plastic pencil bags to keep their money in. One for savings, one for tithing, and the last one for spending.
TIP: I have found that to keep that savings bag growing, is to sneak a few dollars once and awhile out of the spending bag when they are busy doing other things...You may think this is outrageous...so sue me. I am simply creating one less whine fest when I tell them they have to put money into their savings bag. They will thank me for it later.

Jessica does not play with toys...(a whole other post) So she decided to spend her hard earned spending money on a new fish and new bowl. (she already has one, Bubbly) Meet Speedy.

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