Saturday was a crazy crazy soccer day. Three games, three soccer pictures and a lot of driving around. Late for one, wrong time for another. It happens every year and I was dreading it. (well not that late part) I knew Matt wasn't going to be there to help me as he had his Scout River Rafting Trip planned. Well to make a long story short. Matt ended up going the night before to camp with Rick. Well they thought it would be a good idea to take their dirt bikes for a little fun the night before it started. Their fun turned deadly and they got very lost, ended up 3 miles down a canyon and stuck. They had to walk back in the dark, got lost, and huddled under a tree in the pouring rain all night long. Oh boy. Camilla and I are getting more grey hairs from our hubbies than our kiddies lately. is on his wonderful sailing adventure from Hawaii to Figi and has this to report on day three. (we don't have any contact with him, just a blog that the captain writes in each day)
"I made a lot of noise yesterday with my first shot as chef when I got so excited at my tasty French toast that I failed to hold on when a big wave hit and
I went flying backwards - fell on my back and hip banged my head on the cupboard, but most painful I cut my hand with the spoon I was using for the batter. Doctor Cress took over and with aplomb sewed me up using a staple gun. [Matt took a pass on this interesting procedure as he has already decided to also take a pass on being a doctor]. Today we took the staple out as it seems to have done its work. Too bad doctor and Captain Cress are taking care of my medical needs pro bono as so far I just
wasted money buying medical insurance - mind you the trip is not over. "
So I guess my day was roses compared to these two. It is all perspective I tell ya.
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