September 15, 2010

Dusting Myself Off


I wiped the dust off...
slowly picked myself up.

And now.
I am going to

Rock THIS.

Like I know I can....

Like I have in the past.

as long as I have my

Heavenly Father.
Family and Friends

I will be just fine.


I grabbed my purse and headed to

Fred Myer.

I know they have a few aisles of health food items that according to my pile of books are of interest of me now. Previously I have never set foot in these aisles. In fact they had a particular smell that wasn't too inviting.

Do you know what the difference is between a health food aisle and a regular aisle?

Regular Aisles have Pictures.

I like pictures.

This aisle had tons of words and numbers. is a question for you...
if a mulit vitamin says it has 500mg of a particular thing.
And you need 1200.
Then do you buy a SEPARATE bottle of the difference? How much do you calculate you will get from food?

My head hurts.
Now I am thinking I need a special budget just for all the vitamins.

I think you need to go to school to just GO into this aisle.
I stood in that aisle for literally 45 minutes.

There are a lot of interesting people that frequent this aisle. Another reason why I don't.

I kept getting confused.
I hadn't really decided what team I am on yet?

pro PROBIOTICS no acid, no sugar diet
pro Extreme Low Fat, NO Gluten, No Dairy, No Sugar
pro Paleolithic Diet (I dunno if this is the same? see the confusion?)

So I pulled out my blackberry and thought,
"who could I google that should tell me what to put in my body and be healthy?"

Dr. Oz?

This didn't help much.

Finally after the sales associate asked me for the third time if I needed help, seemed upset that I wasn't finding what I needed, I decided to give up and go home.

And you know what I think.

There is far too many products out there...
some one could get hurt.


MOM said...

Jenny You know how I love to SHOP with you. Could I come down and we could do the isles together ? I love you Mom XXXXOOO

Melanie said...

Jenn, I was so excited when I seen the words you wrote in this post---


I wiped the dust off...slowly picked myself up And now I am going to Rock THIS.

Like I know I can....
Like I have in the past as long as I have my Heavenly Father Attitude
Humor Family and Friends

I will be just fine.

These words are all very true and you will ROCK THIS.....please know I am here for you and can try and help in any way I can.....I am only a phone call away love ya so much and praying each and everyday for you.

Bethany said...

You're awesome! Of course you will ROCK this. :)

You know what helps me when I'm confused abut something? I got to forums or message boards. You can get TONS of awesome advice from people who are essentially experts.
Here are a couple MS support forums I googled for you:
(sometimes forums can be really slow or "dead" so watch for good ones that have recent activity)

Just remember, MS may be what you HAVE but its not what you ARE. :)
*hugs* to you!

Grandpa said...

Bethany has it right - you have MS but you are not MS. Don't let it govern too much. I like your attitude - you are going to Rock this.

Love ya

Ames said...

You are awesome and I love you!!!! Rock on cuz! I am praying for you (and so is the Bountiful Temple).

Ahlquist Family said...

Hey sweetie! I have been way behind, I just caught up on everything! You are going to make it through this! You are amazing! Take it one day at a time, and rely on your friends and Heavenly Father!

Cozy Blue Photography said...

Jenn, you are cute. :O) I like pictures too.