February 18, 2011

Am I Pregnant??

Wednesday I hit the 6 week post liberation CCSVI surgery.

It is a wonderful time, but tough time!

I feel amazing.

But until I hit that second milestone I always wonder?? Is it coming back?

There is a fear until about 3 months of scar tissue creating a new valve. Also we are unsure of what the long term road will be for this procedure.

No, I am NOT pregnant, and don't hold your breath. But it is the best way to help explain it. There is a time in the early weeks that it is too early to see the stick turn colors to confirm, that you could honestly go either way. Sometimes during that time you feel, "ya, this definitely feels like all the other pregnancies" then you find out you aren't and you aren't really surprised that you aren't pregnant. You just don't really know for sure.

So that is how I feel now. I am not really sure???

So unless I had another venogram to confirm (like taking a pregnancy test) I seem to continue to analyze my symptoms.

But as for now. There is no denying that my leg pain is completely gone. My energy is great. My vertigo, tremors and morning headaches are still gone.

Tingling is still there, but hey, no complaints.

So I am trying very hard to continue to put my faith in Heavenly Father and know that whatever may be...is supposed to be.

And just be grateful for each blissful moment I am given when it is there.

(UPDATING THE BLOG: I have been slacking with family blogging so I am going to catch up the last 6 months and post them out of date order for now and post them currently, and then plop them back where they go later. Because I HAVE been taking pictures like usual just need to post em.)

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