August 11, 2009

Do you ever?

Do you ever get DISCOURAGED that.... aren't putting your kids in enough "extra-curricular" activities. are over scheduling your kids. can never seem to keep the house clean in all the places at all the same time. eat too much. don't exercise enough. don't call your friends enough. don't go on enough dates with your hubby. yell too much.
...your meals aren't healthy enough.
...your food storage isn't big enough.
...your savings account isn't big enough.
...your house isn't cute enough. don't rely on the Lord enough.
...your kids aren't learning all that they should.
...your house doesn't quite STAY organized like you hoped.
...your too hard on your kids.
...your too easy on your kids.
...time runs out on you. don't tell your sisters how great you think they both are.
...your house has more projects left to do then has been completed.
sometimes....I do.