August 07, 2011

Seattle Temple Trip

Our ward all made the 2.5 hour trek to have a ward temple trip at the Seattle Temple. There is something so peaceful about walking the grounds of the temple. We happen to all dress in white which was SO not planned but just happened...go figure. When I TRY to do these things....they NEVER happen! Anyway, I really think the kids enjoyed seeing also those in the ward there as well. What a great experience.
Afterward we went to the
Lego store (for the kids)
Disney store (for me)
Cheesecake Factory (for Matt)

What a fabulous day...the only glitch we had was getting VERY stuck down a long driveway to a parking garage when we realized that our over top carrier on our Tahoe wouldn't fit in the parking garage. So there we were, stuck with a line of angry Seattlites cursing at us 6 cars back. I manged to direct the cars away with my profuse apologies and smiles and we finally got out of there!

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Blueberry Picking

Fresh Blueberries....ahh....I just love living here.
U Pick this...U Pick that.
We are just so darn lucky.

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