I AM BACK!!!! Did you miss me??
Well I could list a bunch of excuses why I haven't blogged in a while...but I won't bore you.But I am back...hopefully!
January to March we were busy in ski lessons and heading up to the mountain every weekend. Not a peep of complaints come from the kids, you would think we were going to Disneyland.
However, I have a handful of them every year that float freely in my mind.
To Name A Few...
"I am very cold and I haven't even left the bed."
"Boy it sure takes a long time to gather everything, there can't be another sport out there that takes more "stuff" than skiing...nope."
"Do all the kids have all 20 plus items each in order to ski today?"
"Hmm...which kid will be the one needing help getting through three layers in order to go pee at the top of the mountain?"
"Am I going to make it up the 40 year old chairlift alive today, or will THIS be the trip that it breaks and we all fall to our deaths?" (I know that is grim but I am very afraid of heights)
"Will my toes freeze before or after lunch?"
"By some miracle will Matt decide to NOT want to hike anywhere to ski today?"
"Wow...all that time to get to the top, and we are already here at the chairlift again? "
"So what year will the kids surpass my skiing skill and I can assume the position of official "hot chocolate greeter" at the end of the day. At home. Inside. Where it is warm."
Never knew I was such a downer eh? I hide it well with skiing...oh and I can go on and on! I am always secretly jumping for joy when the kids are ready to go home early, never happens though. But really, it becomes ALL worth it because seeing how much they love it and how much I love being all together makes it all worth it and keeps my complaints to myself. I clearly do not share their same passion for cold..I am mean, skiing. BUT....
My favorite part of the day is driving home together, (cuddled up against the car heater I might add) and hearing the kids and Matt (he is like a little kid after skiing) all buzz about all the cool jumps and runs they had is all worth it. I LOVE that part and not just because I am warm again...and I guess you have to endure all the other stuff in order to get to the good stuff.
But I knew I was getting into this when I married Mr. Extreme Skier Matt....so I guess I will continue to bite my tongue and complaints...it is bad I am a little giddy inside that ski season is over?