Well as I sit here in total exhaustion I wonder why is it every day I am sooo very exhausted then I thought I am responsible for a lot. I though one day I am going to write it all down. I am the constant sounding board to little ones cries, complaining, whining, and meltdowns. The lack of to myself time is overwhelming and I naturally think,"okay, I am working my tail end off but for some reason there are still have “piles” of stuff hidden places, and rooms that could bring in the hegine police for how unsanitary they are. We all have them... so why then do we all try to fool one another that we don't. Women are strange.
Anyway here is my list.
1. Pay bills
2. Keep on the budget
3. Create the budget
4. Make most of the meals,
5. Clean the meals
6. Dishwasher emptying and loading 1-2 times a day
7. Making lunch for Hunter at school
8. Making lunch jess and logan home
9. Clean up lunch and breakfast
10. Sweep
11. Mop…everywhere 1 a week
12. Clean toilets 2times a week…boys.
13. Dust 1 a week, maybe.
14. Teach the kids their letters (daily)
15. Teach the kids reading (nightly)
16. Teach the kids math
17. File paperwork
18. Organize school papers, teacher communication
19. Clean our fridge and microwave ( it seems to take over)
20. LAUNDRY (8-10 loads a week)
a. Find
b. Do
c. Fold
d. Put away
21. Take kids to library, weekly
22. Grocery shopping
23. 30 meal cook day
24. Keep cupboards organized
25. Keep kids rooms organized (toys, etc)
26. Discipline/reward chart kids (figure out)
27. Trips (pack everything kids, pack food)
28. Decorate...well try to.
29. Paint….paint…paint
30. Vacume 3times aweek (more when things spill, which happens a lot)
31. Clean up after kids, 1 leftover marble, game pieces, puzzle piece, lego heads….return to rightful place.
32. Bathe kids, wash hair
33. Feed kids breakfast, (did I say that one?)
34. Organize Monday Family Night
35. Wake and get kids going in the morning
36. Do Hunter’s and Jessica’s hair
37. Get kids to brush teeth in morning
38. Sort socks…well Matt has to go back and redo
39. Take kids to soccer (2 x a week)
40. Watch soccer, (cheer as loud as I can... I enjoy this one)
41. Make dinner
42. Find stuff
43. Bandaid body parts ( we go through about 2 boxes a month)
44. Break up fights.
45. Send kids to time out (remember to get them out)
46. Do Jessica's hair each day...(this is a momunimental task each day, earplugs needed)
47. Dry tears.
48. Give hugs and kisses
49. Have "talk time" with Matt each day
50. Love them.
Motherhood is not for wimps.